Midori Consulting

Midori Consulting, founded by Matthieu Poirot, offers its clients support aimed at creating the conditions for high performance in the long term. Its work concerns psychosocial risks and quality of working life, development of management and organisations and coaching and support for management teams.


Cabinet Bourgeois Rezac Mignon, Karine Mignon Louvet

Our partnership with Karine Mignon Louvet is in response to the desire to create a stable framework in which to continue the current dialogue and cooperation concerning Quality of Working Life.

It involves implementing specific procedures for supporting companies and legal firms in order to prevent stress, handle psychosocial risks and strengthen management practices.



Le guide de la gestion des risques professionnels pour la sécurité de l’Homme dans l’entreprise et son environnement.


Consultancy firm specialising in preventing psychosocial risks
and developing Quality of Working Life.