We publish articles on management, occupational health and improving the quality of working life in various professional journals (e.g. Les Cahiers Lamy du CE, Les Cahiers du DRH, Entreprise & Carrières, Liaisons Sociales, SOiNS CADRES, Droit et Patrimoine, La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires (LJA), La Revue de Jurisprudence Sociale (RJS), La Gazette Santé Social, Le Moniteur) and in the general press (e.g. Le Monde, La Tribune, L’Express).

Some of these publications are the result of joint efforts, and were co-written with figures such as Pascale Lagesse, partner, Cabinet Bredin Prat, Karine Mignon-Louvet, managing partner of Cabinet Bourgeois Rezac Mignon, member of the Council of the Paris Bar Association, Marie-Pierre Schramm, partner, Cabinet CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre and Jean-Michel Morin, organisational sociologist, co-founder of the master’s degree in Human Resources Engineering at Université Paris Descartes.

Consultancy firm specialising in preventing psychosocial risks
and developing Quality of Working Life.